Saturday, 16 May 2009


Greetings, Dear Reader!

Another day, another run. This time I decided to Hell with it, and shoved on my trainers and was out on my own before Darren was able to get dressed! Yes, I went for a run on the Park. 


I was pretty nervous, don't get me wrong, but it felt great once I got into it. Due to my zealous enthusiasm to go alone before my brain realised what I was doing and sent "Error! panic attack warning!", I forgot to have a few puffs of the ol' asthma spray. So I didn't do as long as usual, just three laps. But I'm SO proud of myself! Especially as my knee was sore from driving to & from Sheffield the other day. Infact the run seemed to ease the knee soreness, and now it doesn't hurt. I guess I've run the tension out of the tendon. All good!

Done some sit-ups too. I'm up to thirty now. 

Annoyingly, the weighing scales do not reflect my increase in exercise. Grrrrr. But hey ho, weight loss was going to be a hopeful side-effect of the training. If just because I was hoping weight-loss, even a few pounds, would help my body cart itself around the park lol. 

Rest day tomorrow. I'm making sure I'm not overdoing it. I don't want to hurt my hamstring again like I did the other week. Every journey must start with a step, and I have no intention of hurting myself, now the Race is only about 6 weeks away.

Onwards and upwards!



Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Getting closer....

Hellllooooo dear Reader!! Just want to say thanks and hugs to all those who are reading my blogettes! I find it uplifting and helps me keep going,  after a hard week last week.

Can you belieeeeeve we've actually had two days of SUN!? Yes, SUN. The big golden thingy that hangs in the sky!

It's been seen in Blackpool! Huzzahhh!!!

In celebration of this, I have been doing my now normal 20 sit-ups and working those legs of lead into pumping legs of Iron!! 

Joining the local gym tomorrow. Hopefully, it will help me get a better all round work-out. 

Bysie bye for now!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Train train train!!

Howdie peeps!!

Here I am again...over the Bank Holiday I did not go out training, I had a few rest days :) 

Friday: attended Cath & Andy's beautiful Wedding in Bowness on Windermere, in the Lake District. A marvellous, emotional, uplifting day. 

Sat/Sun/Mon/Tues Did a wee bit of my cross trainer to keep my muscles relaxed. I've been having some pain my my Right hamstring, from an old injury I had years ago. Wish my Dad was here, he'd have sorted it out in 10 minutes, the excellent masseur and boxing trainer that he was. Saying that, he'd have used linament, so I would have stunk to high heaven, rofl.