Well, can you believe how fast time has flown? Next week, I shall be coughing and spluttering my way around a 5km charity run.
After my morning training schedule this morning, I am still having the twinge in my left knee. Wish my dad was here, he'd had fixed this in a jiffy. He was a keen runner in his youth, and became a boxing trainer and remedial massage post-graduate specialist. My knee problem from 6 weeks ago has barely improved, despite resting, getting anti-inflammatories from the GP, walking instead, etc etc.
So I'm not planning on running the whole 5km, or even a good chunk of it. I feel very disappointed, but I am determined to finish the entire 5k come Hell or high water! Or, being Blackpool, I should say, come Hell or rain water, tee hee!
Celia & her dodgy knee
Overall, despite my left knee giving me jip, I'm really proud of what I have achieved. From 10 weeks ago, being scared to even go outside to the local shops without Valium, the fact I can go outside to my little park and do circuits, I know I've come on leaps and bounds. My Hypnotherapist says he can a massive difference from the shy, timid woman that opened to the door to him 4 weeks ago. And I know that my family on The Other Side would be proud of me too. But let's face it dudes and dudettes, this is NOT about me.
Next Tuesday is for everyone who has died or been affected by the loss of loved ones to Cancer.
Whether I run or walk, the fact is, we are all giving time and money towards Cancer Research, whether it be by doing the 5k, or supporting those doing the 5k through Donations.
So Thank YOU for making a Difference! Together, we can kick Cancer's ASS.
Now...a good long soak in the tub, and a Powerwalk tonight will do me the world of good and cool down those aching limbs!
Onwards and Upwards, dudes!! Please, if you haven't sponsored me already, please do so now. You can make a difference.
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