Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Trainers and increased running time- Week 2!!

I have new trainers! Went to the running shop, and had my stride and gait videoed. Then it was played back, in slow motion, so the manager could see how my feet land and rise on the treadmill. Very groovy, also enlightening. Then certain types of shoes were chosen that would correct the foot roll, then I nipped on the treadmill and videoed again. Result- trainers that kept my feet even on landing, without rolling. I noticed in one pair, straight away, the great arch support, and the pain in my left knee reduced. 

Tonight - 45 secs running, 2 mins walking, an increase from last week's 30secs. Gulp lol. I've walked to the shops today in my new trainers to bed them in, as advised, and then Darren and I trained around Crossland park, as is now our wee regime! 

Went v well, managed longer than last week! Feeling more positive about the training, and being outside isn't as scary with Darren with me. Running round the park is lovely, especially on evenings like these. Dry, warm, light outside, kids playing footie whilst we run on freshly mown grass. Delish.

The extra 15 seconds made a difference. Running the length of the park before walking now. Feeling more capable of it this week. Shows our regime is working! But have a blister on Right foot, and my old hamstring injury was aching. Will call up trainers shop regarding the foot blister and ask 
for advice tomorrow, as trainers have 30 day back guarantee and advice after purchase. It's my slightly smaller right foot. Left foot is perfect. 

Feel good tonight after hot bath and now relaxing after healthy tea, fresh hamburgers on George Forman (or as I like to call it, the Formby Grill, like the idea of a health grill named after a banjo-playing flat-capped loon). 
With a plateful of - salad. 
SALAD?  !?@$"!?

Yep, there was GREENERY on my plate. Usually it's in with a kebab, rofl!!

Kebab (strokes image of kebab on screen softly)

Don't worry, my pretty...we shall soon be reunited...:)

Rest day tomorrow, so on the cross-trainer I go! Up into the guest room, into the Dark Place!

Ciao for now!


Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Training v train..

 Now. WHY do they call running around, mindlessly wrecking every bone and tendon in your body, 'training'??!! 


  •  Have buffet cars
  • Trains have hot cups of tea and sandwiches
  • Get you from point A to point B quickly (well, supposed to)


  • Does NOT have buffet cars. Instead websites give you lots of crap about all the GOOD food you should put in one's tummy...carbs...blah blah blah...% fat blah blah blah
  • Suggests WATER is the best drink to have, not alcoholic beverages
  • Gets you from A to B via Pain, pausing at Dog Poo on the grass, with a change at Arrrgh

 Cat after training

Today I have successfully 'Trained'. 
Infact, on purpose! 

Indeed dear Reader, it still damn well knackers yours truly out. But it is getting a tad easier. Actually that's a lie, but I must be positive!!! There are muscles that I had forgotten existed, but don't worry, they are reminding me with every damn stride, lol. And I forgot that shoes/trainers could rub. Oh and they're reaaallly showing me that infact, by scuffing my Right foot's leetle toe. Now this damn toe could be a problem. It's never been right since breaking my foot this time last year (the tendon doesn't work properly anymore, so the toe just curls under the foot). Grrrr. 

But not to fear! For I have plasters! Huzzah! That will shut the wee sh*t up. I'll strap the wee sod up, if it comes down to it! 

Tomorrow is the day I get my feet video'ed and gait scanned, etc etc, so I shall bore you stupid with that process and, hopefully, shall have new running trainers that shall not insult my feet or toes!

Rock on!!

Monday, 27 April 2009


Another day, another dollar!! Thankyou for ALL the sponsorships so far...over half way there now!

I rested over the weekend, as per the training instructions. I've done some abs work today, and hit the cross trainer...ooh those babies are feeling it lol. In a nice way!

Despite the weather, I'll be out running again :) a wee bit of rain doesn't hurt anyone lol

Friday, 24 April 2009

Day after my first training session...

Gingerly got up this morning. 
I feel like I have gone 12 rounds with Tyson. 

Neck- sore
Shoulders- sore
Abs- sore
Hips- reeeeally sore
Legs, ankles, feet- fine!

Okay. Can someone PLEASE explain why everywhere is ACHEY, except the bits of my body I am using to run, i.e. Legs?!! This is despite the inordinate amount of warm-up and cool-down I did yesterday. I was going to say I did more warm up than Paula Radcliffe, GB Olympic runner, but then images of squatting for a poo jumped into my mind. No. Haven't gone THAT far!!!

Saw GP this morning. He's all for the running, but cautioned me to watch my pulse-rate. To take it slow, because due to my anxiety, my heart will be pumping harder than a normal runner's without anxiety (due to the adrenaline caused by the panic fear response). 

He's pleased I've researched running a lot on-line and sought advice from fit friends, he said he could tell. I am to take my valium half an hr before I go outside to train on the park with Darren. And due to previous neck injury/nerve entrapment, I am not allowed to run on pavements, tarmac is ok, grass is better. That is fine, as I used my common-sense last night, and did that anyway. I have a new prescription for my Ventolin, and I'm to take 2 puffs before starting training, so my chest doesn't spasm (which it did a bit last night).

So I'm okay. Despite my trying to be positive, the GP has signed me off for another fortnight from work. 


I was hoping that by undertaking the Race For Life, he'd see I was improving and sign me back to work.

He saw I was disappointed in not being able to return to work, but he said the last panic attack in work was indicative of extreme stress, he'd known me 13yrs, and he'd never known me react that way before. It wasn't my personality. 

Dr Curzon said that I needed another 2 weeks at home for the meds he increased a fortnight ago, to "bed in", and to make sure I'm at least 99% before I return to work. He wants me to be able to go out alone, walking to the shops, before I go back. 


I must confess, I haven't been able to go out of the house alone yet. I cancelled my appointment in Wrea Green to see the Running shoe consultant because I wasn't up to driving out there on my own today, but have rescheduled, & done some sit-ups for core strength. My GP actually said I shouldn't go today, it's too soon.  For the moment he suggested I use my old comfy trainers for the next wk, so I feel physically comfy. Then get new trainers next week, when I will have been out by myself (yes he's given me homework! Systematic de-sensitisation, where every day, I now push myself to the door, then next day to the garden gate, day after the bottom of the road, and so on).

I accept grudgingly, that Doc does have a point, because I am going to be running alone in July, in a large crowd of strange women. D can't run with me in the Race For Life, he's not a laydee!!

Little Britain (c)
Darren & I on our Wedding Day.

Drinking loads of water and fluids still- it's weird how you don't feel thirsty, but then manage to down a pint of water in 3 gulps!! i think I've been dehydrated for sooo long, my body doesn't tell me anymore. Think that's now changing, the more I drink, the more thirsty I am! 
I feel so thirsty all the time now, and I've only been training 3 days!
 Keep those Comments coming, they're really spurring me on :)

Ciao for now! 

Hugs Cee xx

Thursday, 23 April 2009

St Georges Day & Training

A MASSIVE THANKYOU to everyone who has Sponsored me so far. I couldn't 
do this without you. I'm a third of my way to my goal already. It's really inspiring and it's making me really want to carry on for you. Thanks ever so much xxxx

Happy St Georges Day everyone!!

After chatting with Cynds over in the US, who is bemoaning her loss of 'proper' baked beans and Tescos own, lol, I decided to have Heinz Bakes Beans on toast for lunch. Two reasons:

1) Very English!! (well it IS St Georges Day, and I DID go to to St Georges High School)
2) Very healthy! Lots of protein, no doubt!

What, no crisps or chocolate? [Stop, now. Or your fired. Ed.]

Still feeling fired up people! Ooooh I just saw a man walk past the house with a Greggs pasty...No No No No!

Just realised- men cover your ears- need sports bra. With my Dolly Partonesque puppies, I think I'll need more than wearing just two bras together, like I did when I was doing Karate, lol...

Will have a look in the Sweat Shop tomorrow. They have a sale on clothes etc at the moment, and I've seen a bolster holster just right for my needs in the sales dept,  so everything is falling into place!

Right. Just done some more core stabilising work and abit of cross training upstairs.

20 sit ups. Felt it today!
Crosstrainer. Did 10 minutes today.

Pulse at start=75.
Highest 168 (my max pulse rate should be 220 minus 37, my age)= 183.

I will be aiming to keep it around 60-80% of my max for best cardio benefit. So between 128-146. Shame my body doesn't know that. Heart
 rate seems to climb v quickly, probably due to being overweight and out of shape. It has to work harder. That shall change!

First training run- 3 min warm up brisk walking. 30secs run, 2 mins walk, for quarter of an hour.

Well I tell ya folks...phew! Knacked but mentally alert. Started off feeling fine, but my chest started playing up half way through. Guess who forgot her asthma pump?! Yes, I have asthma too, rofl. Bit of a headache afterwards, and my right little toe was rubbing by the end. Can't wait to get a decent pair of shoes tomorrow! And d
efinitely need boob holster: they're large and today they were in charge ROFL!

Thanks for running round and round and round Crossland Rd park with me Darren, you're a STAR!

Got Stefan Dennis (from Neighbours rofl) "Gonna make Ya Feel Good" song whizzing round my head....that is a bad sign. Darren says I'm sick. I think so too. Feeling really giddy and positive after first training session. No one warned me about such bad side-effects!!!!

This will be harder to do when back at work next week. Making sure I run 3-4x a week after work will be a goal in itself!

Day off tomorrow, even though I want to run again (mentalist!!). Start gently, take it easy Ceals! Must allow body to rest. Afterall, I haven't exercised properly in about 4 years!

Day Two...

Day Two.

Thanks to Clare Smith, fab runner extraordinaire, I have made an appointment with the Sweat Shop in Ribby Hall for tomorrow. Yes guys, I am taking this extremely seriously. Everyone is being so supportive, and I already have pledges made!!

At the Sweatshop, they measure your feet, your gait, and your running style, helping you choose the correct footwear for running. I have no intention of walking this 5 km. I am going to do this properly, and RUN. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2009

First few steps...

After pressing 'Yes' to sign up to Race For Life, I decided to get started! Early bird catches the worm...or flu...etc etc...!

Celia dragged out her dusty and startled Cross Trainer. I thought I'd get 20-odd minutes in, just for starters. I'd done 20 sit-ups, and had that nice burny feeling in my abs. Nice warm-up. Good start!!


I'm outta shape! After 2 minutes, sweat was pouring from my forehead. My pulse at start was 75. It hit a high of 138. Eek! With legs suddenly taking on the feeling of lead, I persevered, chugging away at a steady walking pace, on the 3rd from easiest setting. I wanted to give up by 3 minutes. 

"Oh my God, " I thought, "this is going to be harder than I ever thought!" This was in the safety of my spare room, by the way. I carried on, staring at the picture of my Uncle Tommy and my Mum on the wall. I WILL do this. For Uncle Tommy. For everyone who's suffered from or lost someone to, cancer.

After 5 minutes, I came off the cross trainer, shattered. I decided to grab a shower and hit the laptop, asking for help and advice from friends! Clare Smith, an old friend from junior school and college, replied almost instantly. She is a keen runner, and has given me links and helpful advice.

"start slow...30 secs running, 2mins walking, 3x per week"...I recall Karen, my best friend, sharing that advice a few yrs ago. 

Cyndy in Arizona also sent me a helpful link to a site, also advising this kind of start to the new regime.

Right. Will start this training tomorrow. Darren has agreed to come out running with me (as scared of the outdoors). I have valium from my GP in my purse, so I'll take that before going out, to stop, helpfully prevent, the panic attacks that I get when outside.

I'm seeing the GP on Friday, so I'll double-check it's okay to exercise and take valium just before to be on the safe side. I want to make sure, so seeking physican go-ahead and approval. I'm sure he'll love me running, as I'm overweight and the exercise will do me the world of good physically. Plus exercise IS good for depression, release pheremones or something!

Dad was a marathon runner in his youth...he'd be proud. 

Drank alot of water (for me) today. Peeing as if going out of fashion rofl!!


Howdie fans!

Now. Anyone that knows me, knows I am more likely to run up a bar bill than run on the pavement. 

So, why oh why has Celia decided to take on the 5km Race For Life Challenge, on behalf of Cancer Research?

Well. There are a number of factors. Firstly I, like many others, have lost loved ones to cancer. I lost my second dad, my Uncle Tommy, in 1990 when I was 17. Since then, I have witnessed close friends die of cancer, and then, my Dad, Alexander O'Neill, two yrs ago this week. 

A distant relation of mine, who I met at my dad's funeral, emailed me today, seeking sponsorship for the Race For Life down in Chelmsford. I sponsored Fiona, but felt as if it wasn't quite enough. I stared at the laptop and hit the button for my area, Blackpool. There is was...Tuesday,14th July. 7.30 p.m.

That is when I decided to Do It

Yes, I'm a size 20, 

Yeesss I haven't run since High School, 

Annnnd I'm 21 yrs older....

But I was driven to do something purposeful, make a stand against this dreadful disease.

So here it is, my Race For Life Blog, charting the next 12 weeks of my progress from couch potato sofa-hugging 30-something, into a lean, mean running (well jogging) machine!

On this journey, I hope to inspire...sometimes you, sometimes myself...and keep an on-line log of all my experiences, good and bad. You'll follow my highs, my lows, and hopefully, you'll keep me positive and urge me on if I hit the bad patches, to keep going. This will be hard, I know it shall.

It isn't just the fact I'm outta shape, you see. I have a secret- well a secret to most. 

I suffer from Clinical Depression and Anxiety, caused by an event that occurred at work last year. 

You see, I am now terrified of going outside, and of crowds of strangers. 

So this is going to be a massive challenge for me in more ways than one.

So, in memory of Dad, Uncle Tommy, and all those whose lives have been touched by cancer, here I am, Celia, Running Against Cancer.

Let's Do It.