Friday, 24 April 2009

Day after my first training session...

Gingerly got up this morning. 
I feel like I have gone 12 rounds with Tyson. 

Neck- sore
Shoulders- sore
Abs- sore
Hips- reeeeally sore
Legs, ankles, feet- fine!

Okay. Can someone PLEASE explain why everywhere is ACHEY, except the bits of my body I am using to run, i.e. Legs?!! This is despite the inordinate amount of warm-up and cool-down I did yesterday. I was going to say I did more warm up than Paula Radcliffe, GB Olympic runner, but then images of squatting for a poo jumped into my mind. No. Haven't gone THAT far!!!

Saw GP this morning. He's all for the running, but cautioned me to watch my pulse-rate. To take it slow, because due to my anxiety, my heart will be pumping harder than a normal runner's without anxiety (due to the adrenaline caused by the panic fear response). 

He's pleased I've researched running a lot on-line and sought advice from fit friends, he said he could tell. I am to take my valium half an hr before I go outside to train on the park with Darren. And due to previous neck injury/nerve entrapment, I am not allowed to run on pavements, tarmac is ok, grass is better. That is fine, as I used my common-sense last night, and did that anyway. I have a new prescription for my Ventolin, and I'm to take 2 puffs before starting training, so my chest doesn't spasm (which it did a bit last night).

So I'm okay. Despite my trying to be positive, the GP has signed me off for another fortnight from work. 


I was hoping that by undertaking the Race For Life, he'd see I was improving and sign me back to work.

He saw I was disappointed in not being able to return to work, but he said the last panic attack in work was indicative of extreme stress, he'd known me 13yrs, and he'd never known me react that way before. It wasn't my personality. 

Dr Curzon said that I needed another 2 weeks at home for the meds he increased a fortnight ago, to "bed in", and to make sure I'm at least 99% before I return to work. He wants me to be able to go out alone, walking to the shops, before I go back. 


I must confess, I haven't been able to go out of the house alone yet. I cancelled my appointment in Wrea Green to see the Running shoe consultant because I wasn't up to driving out there on my own today, but have rescheduled, & done some sit-ups for core strength. My GP actually said I shouldn't go today, it's too soon.  For the moment he suggested I use my old comfy trainers for the next wk, so I feel physically comfy. Then get new trainers next week, when I will have been out by myself (yes he's given me homework! Systematic de-sensitisation, where every day, I now push myself to the door, then next day to the garden gate, day after the bottom of the road, and so on).

I accept grudgingly, that Doc does have a point, because I am going to be running alone in July, in a large crowd of strange women. D can't run with me in the Race For Life, he's not a laydee!!

Little Britain (c)
Darren & I on our Wedding Day.

Drinking loads of water and fluids still- it's weird how you don't feel thirsty, but then manage to down a pint of water in 3 gulps!! i think I've been dehydrated for sooo long, my body doesn't tell me anymore. Think that's now changing, the more I drink, the more thirsty I am! 
I feel so thirsty all the time now, and I've only been training 3 days!
 Keep those Comments coming, they're really spurring me on :)

Ciao for now! 

Hugs Cee xx

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