Wednesday, 22 April 2009


Howdie fans!

Now. Anyone that knows me, knows I am more likely to run up a bar bill than run on the pavement. 

So, why oh why has Celia decided to take on the 5km Race For Life Challenge, on behalf of Cancer Research?

Well. There are a number of factors. Firstly I, like many others, have lost loved ones to cancer. I lost my second dad, my Uncle Tommy, in 1990 when I was 17. Since then, I have witnessed close friends die of cancer, and then, my Dad, Alexander O'Neill, two yrs ago this week. 

A distant relation of mine, who I met at my dad's funeral, emailed me today, seeking sponsorship for the Race For Life down in Chelmsford. I sponsored Fiona, but felt as if it wasn't quite enough. I stared at the laptop and hit the button for my area, Blackpool. There is was...Tuesday,14th July. 7.30 p.m.

That is when I decided to Do It

Yes, I'm a size 20, 

Yeesss I haven't run since High School, 

Annnnd I'm 21 yrs older....

But I was driven to do something purposeful, make a stand against this dreadful disease.

So here it is, my Race For Life Blog, charting the next 12 weeks of my progress from couch potato sofa-hugging 30-something, into a lean, mean running (well jogging) machine!

On this journey, I hope to inspire...sometimes you, sometimes myself...and keep an on-line log of all my experiences, good and bad. You'll follow my highs, my lows, and hopefully, you'll keep me positive and urge me on if I hit the bad patches, to keep going. This will be hard, I know it shall.

It isn't just the fact I'm outta shape, you see. I have a secret- well a secret to most. 

I suffer from Clinical Depression and Anxiety, caused by an event that occurred at work last year. 

You see, I am now terrified of going outside, and of crowds of strangers. 

So this is going to be a massive challenge for me in more ways than one.

So, in memory of Dad, Uncle Tommy, and all those whose lives have been touched by cancer, here I am, Celia, Running Against Cancer.

Let's Do It.


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