I have new trainers! Went to the running shop, and had my stride and gait videoed. Then it was played back, in slow motion, so the manager could see how my feet land and rise on the treadmill. Very groovy, also enlightening. Then certain types of shoes were chosen that would correct the foot roll, then I nipped on the treadmill and videoed again. Result- trainers that kept my feet even on landing, without rolling. I noticed in one pair, straight away, the great arch support, and the pain in my left knee reduced.

Tonight - 45 secs running, 2 mins walking, an increase from last week's 30secs. Gulp lol. I've walked to the shops today in my new trainers to bed them in, as advised, and then Darren and I trained around Crossland park, as is now our wee regime!
Went v well, managed longer than last week! Feeling more positive about the training, and being outside isn't as scary with Darren with me. Running round the park is lovely, especially on evenings like these. Dry, warm, light outside, kids playing footie whilst we run on freshly mown grass. Delish.

The extra 15 seconds made a difference. Running the length of the park before walking now. Feeling more capable of it this week. Shows our regime is working! But have a blister on Right foot, and my old hamstring injury was aching. Will call up trainers shop regarding the foot blister and ask
for advice tomorrow, as trainers have 30 day back guarantee and advice after purchase. It's my slightly smaller right foot. Left foot is perfect.
Feel good tonight after hot bath and now relaxing after healthy tea, fresh hamburgers on George Forman (or as I like to call it, the Formby Grill, like the idea of a health grill named after a banjo-playing flat-capped loon).
With a plateful of - salad.

SALAD? !?@$"!?
Yep, there was GREENERY on my plate. Usually it's in with a kebab, rofl!!

Kebab (strokes image of kebab on screen softly)
Don't worry, my pretty...we shall soon be reunited...:)
Rest day tomorrow, so on the cross-trainer I go! Up into the guest room, into the Dark Place!
Ciao for now!
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