After pressing 'Yes' to sign up to Race For Life, I decided to get started! Early bird catches the worm...or flu...etc etc...!
Celia dragged out her dusty and startled Cross Trainer. I thought I'd get 20-odd minutes in, just for starters. I'd done 20 sit-ups, and had that nice burny feeling in my abs. Nice warm-up. Good start!!
I'm outta shape! After 2 minutes, sweat was pouring from my forehead. My pulse at start was 75. It hit a high of 138. Eek! With legs suddenly taking on the feeling of lead, I persevered, chugging away at a steady walking pace, on the 3rd from easiest setting. I wanted to give up by 3 minutes.
"Oh my God, " I thought, "this is going to be harder than I ever thought!" This was in the safety of my spare room, by the way. I carried on, staring at the picture of my Uncle Tommy and my Mum on the wall. I WILL do this. For Uncle Tommy. For everyone who's suffered from or lost someone to, cancer.
After 5 minutes, I came off the cross trainer, shattered. I decided to grab a shower and hit the laptop, asking for help and advice from friends! Clare Smith, an old friend from junior school and college, replied almost instantly. She is a keen runner, and has given me links and helpful advice.
"start slow...30 secs running, 2mins walking, 3x per week"...I recall Karen, my best friend, sharing that advice a few yrs ago.
Cyndy in Arizona also sent me a helpful link to a site, also advising this kind of start to the new regime.
Right. Will start this training tomorrow. Darren has agreed to come out running with me (as scared of the outdoors). I have valium from my GP in my purse, so I'll take that before going out, to stop, helpfully prevent, the panic attacks that I get when outside.
I'm seeing the GP on Friday, so I'll double-check it's okay to exercise and take valium just before to be on the safe side. I want to make sure, so seeking physican go-ahead and approval. I'm sure he'll love me running, as I'm overweight and the exercise will do me the world of good physically. Plus exercise IS good for depression, release pheremones or something!
Dad was a marathon runner in his youth...he'd be proud.
Drank alot of water (for me) today. Peeing as if going out of fashion rofl!!
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