Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Training v train..

 Now. WHY do they call running around, mindlessly wrecking every bone and tendon in your body, 'training'??!! 


  •  Have buffet cars
  • Trains have hot cups of tea and sandwiches
  • Get you from point A to point B quickly (well, supposed to)


  • Does NOT have buffet cars. Instead websites give you lots of crap about all the GOOD food you should put in one's tummy...carbs...blah blah blah...% fat blah blah blah
  • Suggests WATER is the best drink to have, not alcoholic beverages
  • Gets you from A to B via Pain, pausing at Dog Poo on the grass, with a change at Arrrgh

 Cat after training

Today I have successfully 'Trained'. 
Infact, on purpose! 

Indeed dear Reader, it still damn well knackers yours truly out. But it is getting a tad easier. Actually that's a lie, but I must be positive!!! There are muscles that I had forgotten existed, but don't worry, they are reminding me with every damn stride, lol. And I forgot that shoes/trainers could rub. Oh and they're reaaallly showing me that infact, by scuffing my Right foot's leetle toe. Now this damn toe could be a problem. It's never been right since breaking my foot this time last year (the tendon doesn't work properly anymore, so the toe just curls under the foot). Grrrr. 

But not to fear! For I have plasters! Huzzah! That will shut the wee sh*t up. I'll strap the wee sod up, if it comes down to it! 

Tomorrow is the day I get my feet video'ed and gait scanned, etc etc, so I shall bore you stupid with that process and, hopefully, shall have new running trainers that shall not insult my feet or toes!

Rock on!!

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