Thursday, 23 April 2009

St Georges Day & Training

A MASSIVE THANKYOU to everyone who has Sponsored me so far. I couldn't 
do this without you. I'm a third of my way to my goal already. It's really inspiring and it's making me really want to carry on for you. Thanks ever so much xxxx

Happy St Georges Day everyone!!

After chatting with Cynds over in the US, who is bemoaning her loss of 'proper' baked beans and Tescos own, lol, I decided to have Heinz Bakes Beans on toast for lunch. Two reasons:

1) Very English!! (well it IS St Georges Day, and I DID go to to St Georges High School)
2) Very healthy! Lots of protein, no doubt!

What, no crisps or chocolate? [Stop, now. Or your fired. Ed.]

Still feeling fired up people! Ooooh I just saw a man walk past the house with a Greggs pasty...No No No No!

Just realised- men cover your ears- need sports bra. With my Dolly Partonesque puppies, I think I'll need more than wearing just two bras together, like I did when I was doing Karate, lol...

Will have a look in the Sweat Shop tomorrow. They have a sale on clothes etc at the moment, and I've seen a bolster holster just right for my needs in the sales dept,  so everything is falling into place!

Right. Just done some more core stabilising work and abit of cross training upstairs.

20 sit ups. Felt it today!
Crosstrainer. Did 10 minutes today.

Pulse at start=75.
Highest 168 (my max pulse rate should be 220 minus 37, my age)= 183.

I will be aiming to keep it around 60-80% of my max for best cardio benefit. So between 128-146. Shame my body doesn't know that. Heart
 rate seems to climb v quickly, probably due to being overweight and out of shape. It has to work harder. That shall change!

First training run- 3 min warm up brisk walking. 30secs run, 2 mins walk, for quarter of an hour.

Well I tell ya folks...phew! Knacked but mentally alert. Started off feeling fine, but my chest started playing up half way through. Guess who forgot her asthma pump?! Yes, I have asthma too, rofl. Bit of a headache afterwards, and my right little toe was rubbing by the end. Can't wait to get a decent pair of shoes tomorrow! And d
efinitely need boob holster: they're large and today they were in charge ROFL!

Thanks for running round and round and round Crossland Rd park with me Darren, you're a STAR!

Got Stefan Dennis (from Neighbours rofl) "Gonna make Ya Feel Good" song whizzing round my head....that is a bad sign. Darren says I'm sick. I think so too. Feeling really giddy and positive after first training session. No one warned me about such bad side-effects!!!!

This will be harder to do when back at work next week. Making sure I run 3-4x a week after work will be a goal in itself!

Day off tomorrow, even though I want to run again (mentalist!!). Start gently, take it easy Ceals! Must allow body to rest. Afterall, I haven't exercised properly in about 4 years!


  1. Stefan Dennis? You sick sick sick sick woman.

  2. Hullo *waves* I think what you are doing is absolutely fab! Have the same problem with having large chesticles and I would recommend the simplybe website ( as they are cheap for the larger lady!

    I also have many of the other things you've mentioned in your blog wrong with me too. If ever you want to chat let me know. And if Darren hasn't mentioned me to you, I used to know him in a former life when he used to be on the computer all the time and into the 80s... Oh, and he had just met someone called Celia who he thought the world of and told me several times before disappearing off the face of the earth. Sal x
